Urinary tract infections among male patients in Mulago National Referral Hospital.
Background; Urinary Tract Infection is the type of infection that involves the any part of the urinary system including the kidneys, bladder, urethra ( Ahmet et al.,2015).
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) is known to affect 150 million people annually and can lead to serious health problems (Ahmet et al.,2015). Globally, seven million patients visit the outpatient department, one million visits the emergency department, and one hundred thousand patients visits the in-patient department annually in the United States, from symptomatic UTI (Foxman et al., 2013). Although Urinary Tract Infections in men occur rarely, when they do occur, they come with very severe implications to the health of the male patient (Tajbakhsh et al., 2015). There are several factors that lead to men having UTI, they include sex, age, diseases like diabetes, men who have sex with men, men with neurologic disorders, men with defects in the bladder and prostate as well as immune-compromised men (Hsueh et al., 2011). The reported number of new infections yearly is lower than in women except infections where the patient is catheterized (Noor et al., 2013).
Urinary tract infections are not as common in men as they are in women. However, when present, they are considered to be indicative of serious urological abnormalities and thus considered to be complicated infection in men. They can either be typical or atypical. Typical irritative lower urinary tract infection can be presented by most men with clinical symptoms such as frequency or urgency in micturition, nocturia, dysuria, and hematuria. The less common atypical urinary tract infection presents with clinical symptoms such as confusion, urine incontinence and is highly associated with elderly men. Due to the stigma and denial associated with urinary tract infections, male patients with urinary tract infections self-diagnose and use over the counter antibiotics leading to the mismanagement of disease and increase in antibiotics resistance.
Objective; The general objective of this study was to determine Urinary Tract Infections caused by enteric bacteria and their antibiotic resistant patterns among Asymptomatic male patients visiting the Urology ward in MNRH.
Methodology; A cross sectional research design was utilized involving one-time sampling of urine specimen from the male patients visiting MNRH and who were presenting with Asymptomatic urinary tract infection during the study period.
The study population consisted of all male patients attending the unit with urinary tract infections symptoms (fever, dysuria, frequency and urgency) during the study period.
The Sample size was done during selection of the data of interest. The minimum size of the secondary data retrieved and analyzed in this present study was determined by using Kish-Leslie formula (Kish et al.,1965) for cross sectional studies.
Ethical Consideration; Permission was sought from the management of Uganda Virus Research Institute(UVRI), to use the materials during the study and an introductory letter was presented to the Research Ethical Committee and to the management of MNRH.
The problem of UTIs has been neglected among males because it is rare and not common thus this study aimed at finding out the prevalence of UTIs among the Asymptomatic male patients.