An investigation into the influence of physical planning to urban development.
The study presents an investigation into the influence of physical planning to urban development; case study of Nansana Municipality(Nansana division).
The study concentrated on the influence of physical planning to urban development, the physical planning status in Nansana division, evaluate planned urban development and its impacts, examine the challenges associated with urban development, suggest possible solutions for the challenges associated with urban development in Nansana division.
The study adopted a descriptive study design and used both qualitative and quantitative approaches to gather the information.
Compared to other East African countries such as Kenya and Tanzania, Urbanization in Uganda seems to be low. However due to Rural Urban Migration, the numbers of people living in Urban centers are increasing thus calling for planning intervention to curb the challenges of informal settlements, urban sprawl, encroachment on the environment to mention but a few.
Physical planning in Uganda has come a long way since the early 1930s, but the lack of a national level physical plan remained to be sorted out. The origin of modern physical planning in Uganda lies in the construction of blueprints under the ordinances for governing emerging towns during the colonial administration.
The decentralization policy of upgrading towns to other statuses is sought as a political move but in reality these towns are not adequately planned for hence developments tend to happen in disorganized manner.
The summary answers like; influence of physical planning to urban development, the physical planning status in Nansana division, evaluate planned urban development and its impacts, examine the challenges associated with urban development, suggest possible solutions for the challenges associated with urban development in Nansana division.
The research is divided into five chapters and each chapter consists of specific theme. The chapters are independent though interrelated to give a chronological flow from the introduction, literature review, research methodology, presentation of findings, recommendations and conclusion.