The relationship between occupational stress, employee motivation and job performance among the teaching staff of Kazo mixed day and boarding school, Wakiso district
The main purpose of this research was to discover the relationship between occupational stress, employee motivation and job performance among teachers. Additionally, the objectives of the study were to find out the relationship between occupational stress and employee motivation, the relationship between employee motivation and job performance and finally to discover the relationship between Occupational stress and job performance among teachers.
The study deployed a correlation research design to assess the relationship between occupational stress, employee motivation and job performance. Data was presented into statistical information using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) and Pearson Product Moment, Correlation Coefficient (r) to find out whether the variables were correlating. Therefore, the study observed, concluded and highlight that, there was is a positive significant relationship between occupational stress and employee motivation, employee motivation and job performance and finally, occupational stress and job performance among teachers.
Furthermore, research recommended that the Ministry of Educated should develop and implement regular training programs that will be mandatory to all teachers.