Formal analysis for selected business Signage in Kikoni.
The researcher focused on carrying out a formal analysis for selected business signage in Kikoni. Its objectives were; making a field trip around Kikoni capturing images of different business signage, making more research on signage format and materials in which there made using different sources, developing formal tools to be used in analyzing selected signage, then conducting the formal analysis using the tools developed. Research methodology used was quantitative approach and qualitative (mixed methods).This study was conducted in Kikoni and emphasis was put along the main road business signage. The researcher selected owners of businesses whose signage had been selected to be interviewed as targeted population and designers of these signage. The data sampling techniques used during data collection were; observation, interviewing, and literature review.
Observation method involved taking critical view with naked eyes and use of research instruments such as the camera. Interview method involved face-to-face discussions following the interview guide between the researcher and targeted population using instruments such as notebook, and notebook. Using an observation guide the researcher moved around the area of study capturing images of different business signage. Then he looked at the different ways these signs are made at selected work areas that s to say Nasser and Gukinna furniture by designers as suggested by owners of the signage. The researcher then got samples of tool to determine the formal signage like simple communicating illustrations instead of too much text. The researcher faced problems while curing out the research like; having to go back continually to Nasser to get pictures of the design process, and receiving questions from respondents as to why I was asking for certain information instead of answers to my questions. For the ethical considerations the researcher sought for permission from business owners before capturing images of their signage, also the researcher had to affirm with designers and owners of this signage that the images taken won t be miss used. It was concluded that wood, metal, and banners are the most widely used material for making signage for business in kikoni because these are mostly small businesses, so have limited capital to put in signage. Signage orders of wood and metal are taken to Gukinna furniture which is a furniture business located in Kikoni that s why these don t usually have illustration but only text , as manufactures are carpenters, banners, stickers are made from Nasser.