Effect of substitution of wheat flour with modified cassava flour on the quality of bread
The effect of substitution of wheat flour with modified cassava flour on bread was investigated. Wheat flour was replaced with different proportions (10-30%) of cassava flour from NAROCASS 1 variety. Bread was made from the composite flours using straight dough method, and quality analyses were done using standard methods. Both native and modified cassava flours were used to substitute wheat flour up to 30%. Dough proofability, oven spring, loaf volume, crust color and change in crumb firmness were evaluated. Dough proofability, oven spring (except for 10% extruded flour which increased) and loaf volume declined with increasing cassava flour substitution. Loaf volume ranged from 1237 ml to 488 ml. Proofability ranged from 3.9 cm to 0.5 cm, while oven spring ranged from 1.6 cm to -0.9 cm. Significant declines occurred at 20% substitution. Crumb yellowness increased in both cases, but crumb from modified flour yellowed faster. Bread firmness increased with increasing substitution level and storage time. On day 1, bread firmness for 10% native flour substitution and 10% modified flour substitution were 10.6 N and 8.3 N respectively. Bread from extruded flour staled at a slower rate than that from native flour.