Thematic concerns in the proverbs of Ankole
This study was carried out to analyse the thematic concerns in the selected Runyankole proverbs. The study aimed at three objectives that is to identify and translate the selected Runyankole proverbs, to examine the use of proverbs in the region of Ankole and under what circumstances are these proverbs used within in selected Kinyankole proverbs of which all these objectives were successfully achieved. The study was both field and library-based engaging which means it is a qualitative approach. The study used interviewing, participatory observation, transcription and translation to analyse data. The study findings reveal how the selected proverbs in Ankole region are relevant to the audience that they are intended and said to. They are revealed as a form way of passing on wisdom from generation to generation as it is one way of expressing hidden or corded information to the entire society. They can easily bring out the concept of knowledge and understanding of the society especially the way how people live with their ways and beliefs. The study also focuses on the certain roles performed in Ankole society which are either encouraged or discouraged. These are certain roles that are supposed to be played by men and those that are supposed to be played by women in the upbringing of children and the betterment of the society.