An investigation on the performance of public markets in cities.
The study intended to find out the performance of public markets in the newly created cities. Different objectives were measured that is to say; to find out the history of the Jinja central market, analyzing the relationship between the market and the neighboring existing land uses, analyzing the effects of the online shopping on the market, to find out the challenges faced by both vendors and customers in the market and suggest measures to improve the performance of the market.
It was observed that Jinja central Market registers a decrease in the number of traders as compared to the previous numbers that were trading in the same market before the redevelopment as said by the market chairman yet the newly constructed market provides better waste management solutions, better looking stalls, lock up spaces, more rentable space through vertical developments but can no longer be afforded by many of the traders who formerly carried out business in them hence the former venders who were within this market being forced to find other places where they can cheaply carry out their trade.
Public markets play a significant role in community and therefore the following recommendations are made to ensure that the conditions within them are improved;
During the design process it is important that the customer is greatly considered because without customers, markets cannot function. This would help prevent issues such as the high numbers of vacant lock up shops of within the first and second floors of Jinja central market. The nature of Ugandans is that they do not like to go shopping far beyond the street level. Such inconsideration’s have translated into so much wasted resources. The design should also be able to respond to the requirements of its end users and that’s when it shall properly function.