Inadequate fashion equipment at Margaret Trowel School of Industrial Art and Fine Art.
This research was based on the effect of inadequate fashion equipment at MTSIFA the purpose of the study was to account for the failure to provide fashion and designs to students with fashion equipment as well as demonstrating consequences on the performance, academically during that period the objective of the study was to find out and document the reasons for the inadequacy of fashion equipment at MTSIFA/ how the students will access the equipment
Two lecturers were used in the research
Using the findings of the research study carried out in the selected area, the researcher finds out that most fashion design students are greatly affected by the inadequacy of the fashion machinery at MTSIFA.
However lecturers are trying to advise students to not only rely on what is being given to them but also an extra mile to purchase some of this equipment on their own so as to practice regularly seamstress would interpret this pattern to the best of her ability and make a fashionable apparel together with the tailor.
In the 16th century, Abraham Bosse produced engravings of fashion around 1620's this pace of change picked up in the1780's with increasing publication of French engraving which are illustrating the latest designs from Paris, Marie Antoinette the last Queen of France before the French revolution had a dress maker "Rose Bertin "born July 22nd 1774 and died September 221813,Rose was sarcastically called the "minister of Fashion" and when she opened a shop in Paris it had an influence on Parisian style but this was drastically changed by the French revolution which caused her to relocate to London in exile for some time.
The queen Marie Antoinette still relied on Bertins Meticulous designs to help combat her enemies in style
In the 19th century, the horizons of the fashion industry had generally broadened due to more stable and independent lifestyle. Many people were off and could easily adopt to the new trends according to their tastes and preferences.
conspicuous waste and conspicuous defined the fashion of the decade and outfits of the couturiers in that time were only exaggerated, extravagant, ornate and that did not contain a petticoat or corset unlike the 1800's.this was a huge change as a women's was originally