Effects of the tethering systems on piggery production in Butemba Subcounty, Kyankwanzi District
Kyankwanzi district is predominantly a cattle rearing area but with the recent changes in the climate like long draughts which make cattle rearing a challenges for the rural poor, piggery farming has become a popular venture in Kyankwanzi especially in Butemba sub county as a quick way of mitigating poverty and improving the livelihoods of the households involved in keeping pigs. Tethering is still a commonly used management/ housing system in the rural areas of this country though no documentation has been availed to characterize the tethering management system in piggery farming. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of tethering on the productivity of pigs in Butemba Sub County. Using a cross- section survey, data was collected from 68 households that were involved in piggery farming. Tethering was practiced by 85.3% of the households, fulltime tethering by 44.1% and partial tethering by 41.2% respectively. Tethering had no significant effect on the productivity on pigs as a chi square test gave 0.788 and 0.638 P values for fulltime and partial tethering respectively which are all above the p value of 0.05. In conclusion, piggery farming in Butemba Sub County is largely small holder, practiced under tethering management system it has no significant effect on the productivity of pigs. The findings of this study point out the need for further research to be carried out to find out what affects body weight gain of pigs under tethering management system for example disease, breed, nutrition among other.