Factors influencing maternal mortality among rural communities of Eastern Uganda
The study aimed at establishing the factors influencing maternal mortality among rural communities of Eastern Uganda. It was guided by the following objectives; to identify the relationship between socio-economic factors and maternal mortality among rural communities of Eastern Uganda and to identify the relationship between socio-demographic factors and maternal mortality among rural communities of Eastern Uganda.
Descriptive statistics were used to summarize characteristics of the respondents, and the results were presented in frequencies and percentages. Cross tabulations were used under bivariate analysis. Also, binary logistic regression was used under multivariate analysis. Parity and marital status were found to be significant while the remaining variables were not significant.
The study therefore recommends that expectant mothers should be encouraged to visit health centers quite regularly, Skilled health workers such as gynecologists, midwives, nurses and medical officers should be available at all times to provide pregnancy care services including delivery at the health facilities. Quality services must be accessible, available and as close as possible to where women live for safety and effectiveness. In addition, these services must be acceptable to women by being responsive to local cultural and social norms.
The government of Uganda and other stakeholders should increase their efforts in enhancing female education to attain favorable maternal health outcomes in the future. Interventions aimed at keeping girls in school for longer should be part of this effort. Scholarship programmes can be used to target girls from poor families and government legislation against early marriages may help girls to remain in school for more years.