Analyzing Irony and its effectiveness in selected Ateso folktales.
This study investigates the different categories or forms of irony in Ateso folktales. The major aim is to focusing on how irony creates meaning in Ateso folktales. These forms of irony include; verbal irony, dramatic irony, and the situational. The research was carried out in Amuria district, in Apeduru sub-county, Amucu village. This research was conducted majorly through interviews, though other methods were used like recording and direct participation. The people interviewed were both elders and the children. The data collection methods involved recording of these tales as well as oral interviews that was conducted in the evenings. This is because most families would be home at that time. The findings of the study was to prove that irony truly creates meaning in the Ateso folktales. However, there were also other devices that aid meaning in the Ateso folktales like the symbolism, imagery, themes and many others. This message is based on irony because it truly brings out the meaning for which they are meant to be