Symbolism in proverbs of the Bahororo.
This research study was aimed at exploring the significance of symbols in the interpretation and understanding of proverbs among the Bahororo of Western Uganda. In this research study, I came up with a list of the proverbs used by the Bahororo and I specified those that have symbols in them giving their appropriate interpretations. Through participant observation and interviews, I was able to collect adequate data on the above topic of study and presented my findings in the different chapters of this research study. I also looked at the different age groups among the Bahororo and the extent to which the different age groups use proverbs. I discovered that the elderly people use proverbs in their daily communication more often than the younger people. I also discovered that majority of the people who use proverbs seldom pay attention to the symbols therein. This shows the necessity of this research study which helps in the interpretation of the symbols in these proverbs to ease their understanding.