The benefits effect of prior knowledge of science subjects on students' learning outcomes :A Review of previous Literature
The study examined the effect of prior knowledge of science subjects on students’ learning outcomes of students. Two specific objectives were used to guide the study and these included to; determine the effect of socio-economic background of students with and without prior knowledge; and examine how the interactive process in classroom of students with and without prior knowledge affect their outcomes in science subjects. A Cognitive Flexibility Theory was used to underpin the review using deductive strategy to seek the answer to the underlying questions to the study. Through a desk research, 35 articles between 2014 – 2022 were reviewed focusing on prior knowledge and its development among children. The study established that prior knowledge is important in the academic performance of the learners and during the interactive process between learners and teachers. It was also found that prior knowledge is the basis of self-efficacy among the learners especially during interactive process and engagement in discussion with fellow students. It was concluded that prior knowledge is essential towards the success of learners, and the government should consider such students’ approaches towards the uptake of science subjects in addition to instructional, human resource and structural improvement.