Use of Moringa Oleifera seeds for water treatment/ purification at Kaliro sugar factory
The main objective of this study is to confirm the potentials of Moringa oleifera seeds over alum for water purification. Various doses of Moringa oleifera seed powder of 4, 8, 12 g/l were taken and checked for treatment of river and wastewater. After treatment with moringa oleifera seed powder, the water samples were analyzed for physio-chemical parameters like pH, Absorbance, TDS, TSS, Hardness, Conductivity, Turbidity and Dissolved oxygen. Almost all parameters showed reduction with increasing dosage of Moringa seed powder. Similar doses of alum were checked with river water sample and were analyzed for above mentioned parameters. .
At high concentration (12g), turbidity removal efficiency of both wastewater and river water samples using moringa oleifera seed powder was 97.3% and 97.6% respectively while the turbidity removal efficiency of river water sample using ALUM was 96.5%, thus moringa oleifera seeds showed better results after treatment.
The results obtained showed that moringa oleifera seed powder (natural coagulant) is more effective than conventional chemical coagulant, ALUM. The Moringa oleifera seeds are cheap, eco-friendly and non-toxic, can be effectively used as a coagulant for river and wastewater purification