Public Service Motivation, Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction among Employees in Kisenyi Health Centre IV
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship Public Service Motivation,
Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction among Employees in Kisenyi Health Centre IV. A
quantitative study design was used, correlation was used in study to establish the relationship
Public Service Motivation, Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction among Employees in
Kisenyi Health Centre IV. The study used a sample of 60 respondents who were adopted using
simple sampling technique. Data was therefore collected using self-administered questionnaire
and later analyzed using statistical package of social scientists (SPSS).
Findings revealed that the relationship between public service motivation and Job satisfaction,
Public Service Motivation and employee engagement, and employee engagement and job
satisfaction are all significant. But the relationship between Public Service Motivation and
employee engagement is more significant than the other with also a higher coefficient value.
This implies that more effort needs to be channeled towards Public Service Motivation and
employee engagement in order to improve on service delivery in Kisenyi Health Centre IV
Its recommended that Public Service Motivation should be taken into account when designing
policies towards Kisenyi Health Centre IV, there is also need to recognize top perfomers and also
Promote transparency by bringing employees into the fold as frequently as possible is a highly
effective employee engagement strategy.