Culture, self-efficacy and performance among lecturers in Makerere University
The main purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between culture, self efficacy and performance among lecturers of Makerere University. The specific objectives were to examine the relationship between culture and self-efficacy among lecturers of Makerere University, to find out whether culture and performance are related among lecturers of Makerere University and to examine the relationship between self-efficacy and performance among lecturers of Makerere University. A sample of 50 lecturers were reviewed. Data was collected from using a self-administered questionnaire, then the data was entered in SPSS for analysis. Univariate statistics were presented using percentages, bivariate were done using correlation.
The findings from the study indicated that most lecturers were aged between (31-40) (50%), males (60%) and most of them were master holders (42%) and majority were married (30%). The study revealed positive relationships through correlation analysis between culture, self-efficacy and performance among lecturers at Makerere University. According to the correlation analysis done, all variable’s r count were positive, and the significant value was always higher than 0.05, hence meaning that there is a positive relationship between the variables under study.
The study suggests to the institution administration to adopt effective organizational culture for creating greater organizational output.
Academic organizations should also adopt a culture of monitoring the performance of their staff under various conditions or situations in order to determine the favourable conditions that stir high employee performance and thus stick to that.
The study has only been limited to lecturers, but it needs to be carried out on other staff and employees of Makerere University as well.