Examining the use of allegory and the message in Ankore fables
This research examines the use of allegory and the message in Ankore fables. Generally , it is meant to analyze the allegories underlying in the selected Ankore fables and the message they entailed. The research therefore looks at unveiling the deeper messages that these allegories presented which were not noticed.
Fables were used by the elders to teach moral lessons to their young ones orally. I conducted this research to, analyze and discover as well as observing the messages that were being passed on through these fables other than entertaining the listeners .
The methods included; interviewing, different respondents and informants in the field about their views on several fables. It also involved observation method where I observed .
Conclusively, this research has made me realise that the deeper messages housed in these Ankore fables were presenting political issues as the clashes between the Ankore tribes namely: Bahima and Abeiru. These messages furthermore highlight on the point of social stratification that exists in Ankore but hardly observable on the surface. For example, the bahima not being on good terms with the abeiru yet they are all in Ankore. The research also helped me to observe the fact that the kind of allegory embedded in these fables was specifically political allegory, since presented political issues. These issues are best discussed in details in the third chapter under data analysis and research findings.