Perceptions of drug abuse among youths in Aduku sub-county, Kwania district
Drugs abuse poses serious mental health problems to the youth of today, in order for one to understand drug abuse, you need to know the reasons which may lead people to get engaged in abusing drugs like marijuana and cocaine to come up with possible measures and solution to address the acts. The study explored the perceptions of drugs abuse among the youths in Aduku subcounty, Kwania District
The following were the perceived causes of drug abuse in Aduku subcounty Kwania District, Bad peer pressure, unemployment rate being too high, poverty, Environment among others.
Participants were selected by means of purposive sampling and snow ball sampling technique. Data collection methods used includes in-depth interview and key informants interview and the tools used were In-depth interview guide and key informants interview guide. The effects of drugs was found out to be school dropouts, domestic violence, divorce among others and participants gave different perceptions for the abuse of drugs like peer pressure ,permissiveness, family background, environment, poverty, unemployment, mental illness among others. There is need for government to put strict laws against use of drugs. NGOs should come up in the fight against drugs misuse and also religious leaders should preach against the acts.