The effect of a high public debt on macroeconomic imbalance in Uganda
The objective of this study was to explore the effect of a high public debt on macroeconomic im-balance. The study is to determine the relationships between public debt and relevant macroeconomic variables. The study will use annual time series data from 2013 to 2020 from secondary sources to discuss Uganda's debt which is a worrying figure and how it will adversely affect the economy of Uganda. Uganda's current debt to GDP ratio stands at 42.0% which has been in-creasing over the last past 4 years and its total public debt which stands at$10.5billion (Shs.38.8trilllion) the spending has mainly been put into works, energy, and agriculture to spur economic growth as this trend continues its likely to lead to macro-economic imbalance. The methods of collecting data related to this study shall be based on mainly secondary data from trusted sources such as IMF, UBOS, World Bank. Relating to the debt to GDP ratio of Uganda and comparing it with other countries and both qualitative and quantitative approaches will be used in gathering this information. The results obtained provide recommendations and conclusions on how best the high debt bur-den can be minimized over the rest of the years.