Assessment of hydroquinone in selected cosmetic products sold on the market within Kampala.
This study was aimed at determining the hydroquinone content of selected skin care products existing in the Ugandan market. Fourteen (14) skin care cosmetic products were obtained from a shop in Downtown Kampala and analyzed for their hydroquinone content. The analysis was performed using high performance liquid chromatography .The mobile phase was 45:55 v/v water: methanol mixture adjusted to flow at a rate of 1.0 mL/min. The detector wavelength was set at 295nm . Sample volume injected was 20ul.Results showed that the concentration of hydroquinone in all the cosmetic products ranged from below detection to 2.45 +-0.002 % m/m. In conclusion, most of the samples contain hydroquinone which is an ingredient prohibited in skin care products according to the Ugandan standard set by UNBS. However, most of the products contained hydroquinone in levels below the 2% limit set by US Food and Drug Authority which do not pose threat to the health of the consumer, thus is safe for use.