Factors affecting students’ health in university hostels: case study of Helican hostel
The purpose of this study was to find out the factors that affect students’ health; a case study of Helican hostel. The objectives of the study were to find out hoe hostel related factors affect students’ health and the personal related factors that affect health.
Simple random sampling was used to select the 96 respondents from Helican hostel and data was collected through administering questionnaires to the respondents, the chi-square method as used and data as analyzed using STATA.
From the findings, the hostel facilities, cleaning practices, sanitation status and personal diet have a significant impact on student’s health while students per room and attitude towards cleaning have a no significant impact on the health of students.
The university should build more hostels in order to reduce on the congestion of the students in the room. The hostel custodians should provide students with a balanced meal so that it can boost on their health. When all in put in consideration, students will have better health and stay at hostels.