Perceptions of men regarding their partners’ participation in the Uganda women entrepreneurship program (UWEP) in Atutur sub-county, Kumi district.
The Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Program is an initiative of the Government of Uganda implemented as a rolling program under the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and it's intended to empower Ugandan women for economic development.
However, little is known about spousal attitudes towards the participation of women in the program. This study explored the perceptions of men regarding their partners’' participation in the Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Program in Atutur Sub-county, Kumi District. More specifically, the study aimed to document how UWEP operates in Atutur sub-county, Kumi District. Equally, the study focused on examining the benefits and costs that men associate with their spouses' participation in women economic programs. Lastly, the study intended to establish the ways through which men support or constrain their partners' participation in women economic programs. A cross-sectional research design was employed in data collection.
Data collection tools included structured questionnaires administered to 50 men whose spouses were beneficiaries of UWEP and a checklist of questions administered to focus group discussants and key informants thus making a total sample size of 75 participants. Data was analysed using both inferential and descriptive statistics.
The findings showed that majority of the men are supportive of their partners' participation in the program especially when the spouse contributes to feeding the family, medical expenses of the children, school fees of children and family savings. However, the men also expressed fear of engagement in extra-marital relationships and development of a disrespectful attitude towards husbands as reasons why they may constrain their partners' participation in UWEP and other economic initiatives. Furthermore, the study findings revealed limited time to participate in economic initiatives, lack of entrepreneurial skills and fear of using credit money for family needs as the factors that hinder husbands from supporting the participation of their spouse in economic programs like UWEP. This research paper recommends the adoption of strategies to engage men as stakeholders of the program to further its successful implementation.