Gender, education and work performance among employees of Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA)
The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between gender, education and work performance among employees under Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA). The study intended to achieve the following objectives, to establish a relationship between gender work performance, to analyze the influence of education on work performance and to establish a relationship between gender, education and work performance. A correlational study design will be used in the study to establish the relationship between gender, education and performance among employees under UMA. The study used a sample of 49 respondents who were adopted to simple random sampling technique. Data was therefore be collected using self-administered questionnaire and later analyzed using statistical package for social scientists version 23 (SPSS). Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was used to test the hypothesis. The levels of work performance were high. Results revealed negative non-significant relationship between education and work performance (r= -092, p>0.05). Findings also revealed a negative non-significant relationship between gender and work performance (r= -.003, p>0.05). Therefore, policies should be drafted and implement to support employees than solely focusing on what they contribute to the organization.