To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices towards the use of personal protective equipment among carpenters and welders in Seeta, Mukono District
Use of Personal protective equipment is one of the measures to reduce occupational injuries and other work related diseases. Carpentry and welding is associated with occupational hazards, in the process of performing these tasks carpenters and welders suffer from work related injuries due to low or no use of personal protective equipment. Despite the known importance of workers using PPE, the knowledge, attitude and practice of use of personal protective equipment among carpenters and welders in Mukono district is not well documented.
The study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices towards the use of personal protective equipment among carpenters and welders in Seeta, Mukono district.
This was a cross sectional study using both quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. The sample size was 152 respondents of which 76 carpenters and 76 welders were interviewed. Four key informants were also interviewed qualitatively. Quantitative data was entered using Epi-collect and then cleaned and analyzed using STATA 13.0 and qualitative data was analyzed thematically.
Majority of the participants 96.7% (147/152) were males and the mean age was 31.42. Most of the participants had ever heard about PPE 99.34% (151/152) and PPE offers them protection (99.34%). All the participants reported that they use PPEs, with majority using boots/shoes 39.86% (61/152), and majority using them when doing any work 78.29% (119/152). It was recorded that workers have poor attitudes towards PPE as observed during work.
The study participants had good knowledge of the use of personal protective equipment at their workplace, few were having good practices and majority had poor practices. The level of knowledge of PPE among carpenters and welders influences the use of PPE. Therefore the study recommends the authorities to strongly enforce occupational health regulation in order to protect the health of carpenters and welders.