Knowledge and practice of condom use by adolescents in Uganda
The study aimed at identifying knowledge and practice of condom use among adolescent of Uganda. Secondary data from the Aids indicator (2011) survey about adolescents was used. Data were analyzed at three levels. Univariate and bivariate levels where frequency distributions of the respondents were computed. At multivariate level, risk factors of condom usage among adolescents were determined.
Study findings indicated that majority of the respondents had ever used a condom by 71.7%, more than a three quarters of the respondents (77.1%) were in the age bracket of 15-19 years when they had their first sex, almost half of the respondents had attained primary as their highest level of education at 51.7%, respondents who were catholic were the majority at 36.8%, more than three quarters of the respondents (88.0%) were never married, majority of the respondents lived in rural area at 68.9% and also majority of the respondents who used a condom were of the rich wealth index(57.1%).
Using the Chi-square test, bivariate analysis indicated respondents in marital status were statistically associated with condom use since their respective p-values were less than 0.05 at 95%level of significance. From the Logistic (model), the likelihood of condom usage was highest among adolescent who were never in union. This differential was statistically significant.
Therefore, the researcher recommends the government rally more resources for supporting girl-child/women education and even to encourage young men to always use a condom with all their partners.