Optimisation of bioplastics from sweet potato starch using gycerol as the plasticiser
This project was aimed on the optimisation of bio-plastic using sweet potato starch. The process started by extraction of starch from smashed sweet potatoes which was dried in the oven at 80°C for 24hours. Then 20g of extracted dried starch was mixed thoroughly with 200mls of distilled water, 1 Smls of glycerol, l Smls of 0.5M Acetic acid and exposed to medium heat until gel-like substance was formed. The gel poured in tray dried in even at 80°C for 24hours. And the resultant was bio-plastic. However, O.SM Hydrochloric acid was used instead of acetic acid for the second bio-plastic. For characterization, the biodegradability test was carried out by placing 3X3cm cut pieces of bio-plastic on soil surface at normal environmental condition and their weights taken before and after 14 days and this showed that bio-plastic from weak acid hard highest biodegradability percentage of 80.89±2.8 while that of strong acid (0 .5M of Hydrochloric acid) was 47.5±2.07508. When the same pieces were soaked in water, bio-plastic made using weak acid dissolved in 7days while the other from strong acid dissolved in 18 days.