The effect of etho-science on the teaching of sciences and academic achievement in secondary schools . A systematic review paper.
This systematic review aimed to unpack the effect of ethno- science on the teaching of sciences and academic achievement in secondary schools. Much as the local wisdom which is owned by each and every society is very paramount in the development of the people, little attention has been put to ascertain its contribution in the teaching of sciences and consequently academic achievement in secondary school. This study therefore sought to investigate this issue at hand. The study utilized the meta-analysis method to investigate the effect of ethno science on teaching of sciences and academic achievement in secondary
schools. The literature was collected from online sources like Agora, Research gate, research for life, Google advanced search among others. It entailed studies from 54 published was found that most of the teachers are unaware of the ethno-scientific knowledge hence this hinders its utilization in the teaching and learning of sciences in secondary schools. Other studies carried on the relatedness of ethno-science and academic achievement showed that the more learning outcomes were achieved when taught with ethno-science instructional approach compared to the conventional instructional approach. Ethno-science is therefore key in bettering the teaching and learning of sciences hence leads to improved academic achievement. It was recommended therefore that ethno-science should be incorporated into the teaching and learning process as well as development of sources of scientific information with an ethno-science background.