Assessing the role of micro and small enterprises in employment creation and income generation
MSEs are playing a very important role in the present development of the country . They have led to potential change in the economic development of the country as they have generated income, created jobs and more so accumulated capital. It is therefore for this reason that empirical study aimed at assessing the role of micro and small enterprises in employment creation and income generation. A self-administered questionnaire was employed to empirically investigate the study and was answered by 123 respondents who comprised of both business owners and employees. The findings of this study revealed that businesses have generated more income and accumulated more capital and also created more jobs to the people of Maganjo and the country as a whole. It was revealed that construction have created averagely three jobs to people and the average age of entreprenuers was 28. In conclusion ,MSEs tremendously contributed to job creation thogh they faced a number of challenges such as price fluctuation,stiff competition and high taxes imposed by government hence there is need for government to create condusive investment climate such as free tax holidays , subsidization and also price fixing.