Perception of vasectomy as a family planning method in Kampala district
Vasectomy is an important method of family planning because it is highly effective and safe contraceptive method for couples who want to stop childbearing. The method has no side effects and, less risky procedure, provides a quicker recovery period, and is incomparable in cost. This study aimed at assessing the perception of vasectomy as a family planning method among married couples in Kampala district with three specific objectives of examining the level of knowledge about vasectomy as a family planning method among the married couples, examining their access and utilization of vasectomy as a family planning method and the perceptions married couples have towards vasectomy towards as a family planning method.
This study employed a cross sectional design using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Data was collectd from 97 primary respondents through use of questionnaires, three health service providers and one local council leader through key informant interviews and five men through focus group discussions.
The results of the study showed married couples have good knowledge that vasectomy is a permanent family planning method, a man cannot impregnate a woman after vasectomy although there were not sure that prostate cancer increases in men who have had vasectomy, reduction or loss of libido in the male, the man may have difficulties in achieving an erection and Ejaculation is impaired. The information about vasectomy is obtained from radio, television, health workers and friends. The married couples have negative perceptions towards as a family planning method. Lastly, the study found that married couples have limited access and utilization of vasectomy as a family planning method.
The study therefore recommends that health care provider especially family planning providers should provide adequate information on vasectomy and dispel misunderstanding with in the community through health education programs and counselling. Further researcher is needed to in other parts of Kampala capital city and also use of a qualitative research designs to describe the lived experience of men who use vasectomy, and their wives views on vasectomy.