Factors affecting the participation of Ugandans in tourism, case study of Uganda national museum
This study examined the factors affecting the participation of Ugandans in tourism. The objectives were; to find out the contribution of the tourism sector to Uganda’s revenue, to investigate the factors affecting local tourists in Uganda, to find out the challenge faced by Ugandan tourists, to identify the strategies of improving the tourism culture among Ugandans. The study was carried out at the Uganda National Museum. This was done with a view of addressing the effect in order to improve domestic tourism in Uganda.
A Cochran formula was used to determine the sample size of the Respondents, it was found out that 83 respondents were required to undertake the survey as calculated by the formula. Simple random sampling was used to select the 83 respondents and a cross sectional study design involving qualitative and quantitative methods was used in data collection. Structured questionnaire with both open and closed ended questions were used to collect data from respondents. A total of 83 respondents filled the instruments a response rate of 100% from which data was extracted for analysis. Data was collected by administering a questionnaire and reviewing of documents. With the aid of Stata 15.0 computer software, data analysis was performed at two different levels namely univariate and bivariate. The study revealed that the largest proportion of respondents were female (57.83%; n=48), aged 30-45 years (32.53%; n = 27), married (37.35%; n=31) and they were degree holders (32.53%; n = 27).
In a bid to assess factors that contribute to domestic tourism,, the highest percentage (52.21%) agreed with the factors that were suggested to be affecting their participation in the activity, (26.71%) did not agree with them being of an effect and the remaining (21.08%) were not sure of whether their participation in tourism was attached to the suggested factors. From the analysis, presentations were made and conclusions drawn. The results showed that socio-economic factors influence tourists participation in tourism to great extent and the least being effect of individual perception of domestic tourism.