The contribution of remand homes’ services to juvenile delinquents’’ rehabilitation in Gulu District: A case study of Gulu Remand Home
The study explored the contribution of Remand Homes’ services to juvenile delinquents’ Rehabilitation in Uganda between 2021 to 2022. In Uganda, juvenile delinquency has become a threat to the urban centers and families; with major characteristics of theft, arson, drug trafficking, addiction to commit crimes which altogether have constituted a threat to the general public. By 1960s, the Government of the Republic of Uganda had realized a threat emanating from the juvenile delinquents and thus came up with the construction of rehabilitation centers among which was Gulu Remand Home. Nevertheless, the contribution of Remand Homes services to juvenile delinquents’ Rehabilitation continued to be felt up to 2022 when the study was carried out.
The study was carried out in Gulu Remand Home and both qualitative and quantitative techniques of research were employed by the researcher. Three methods were employed during the data collection from respondents. These are; structured interviews of the respondents, key informants interview and observation. The information collected was organized according to chapters in order to make a meaningful presentation, conclusion and recommendations of the study. Descriptive statistics were presented in percentages after the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft excel. The findings collected reveal that the contribution of Remand Home services to juvenile delinquents’ Rehabilitation emanates largely from the home environment albeit other factors are held vital. . From the study finding, it was revealed that remand homes such as Gulu remand home have got activities that can make the delinquents forget the anti-social characters such as playing football, dancing, singing and counseling. Such activities need to be taken to the home environment of juvenile delinquent.
In the conclusion, the researcher calls upon adults (man and a woman) who remain careless upon juveniles after producing them to remember the happiness they have underwent before producing such young generation. It is from such conclusion that the study recommends the culture of peace not to the juveniles but much more to the families because a family is a sole intercourse of all fabrics of the social norms, taboos and laws governing the land. The study also calls upon the government to revive its activities such as carpentry which was in Gulu Remand Home as an endeavor to contain forms of delinquent