Preservation and conservation of records at Nansana Municipal Council registry
The project Report was based on the topic entitled Preservation and Conservation of Records at
Nansana Municipal Council Registry
Preservation and Conservation occupies an important place in records management, which are
useful for posterity and are important for future generations .Preservation is a branch of records
and information science concerned with maintaining or restoring access to artifacts documents
and records through the study diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the decay and damage.
Preservation is a bound concept that denotes all actions relating to the protection, maintenance,
restoration of information materials
The study covered background on the study, statement to the problem, the main objectives of the
study, research questions and scope of the study, justification of the study and the definition of
operational terms.
The study was guided with objectives and these included to examine the causes and agents of
deterioration of records at Nansana Municipal Council registry, to identify the methods used in
preserving and conserving of records for Nansana Municipal Council registry, to identify the
barriers to effective preservation and conservation of records at Nansana Municipal Council
registry and to recommend for preservation and conservation of records at Nansana Municipal
Council registry
Methodology: A descriptive cross sectional design with both qualitative and quantitative
methods of data collection was employed to collect data. Quantitative survey was involved the
use of questionnaires to collect information and qualitative survey the use of interview guide and
observation checklist to collect data from a number of 20 respondents Data was analyzed using
micro soft excel and presented using tables
Conclusion: In conclusion preservation is an important aspect in records management there for
should not be ignored, if it not taken seriously it can diminish the image of an intuition due to
deterioration of record, lead to increased need for resources in order to restore damaged records.