Factors associated with adherence to infection prevention and control measures among health care workers in Mbale city
Healthcare-acquired infections are significant causes of morbidity and mortality among
hospitalized patients worldwide. The World Health Organisation estimates that the proportion of
injections given with syringes or needles that are reused with sterilization is between 15% and
69% transitional and developing countries (Organization, 2009)
The study aimed at assessing factors associated with adherence to infection prevention and control
measures among health care workers in Mbale city.
A purposive sampling technique was used to select the health care facilities comprising of health
centers II’s, Health centers III’s and Health centers IV’s and hospitals within Mbale City in which
the study was conducted. Some key informant interviews was conducted to get qualitative data
and Quantitative Data analysis was done using StataSE 14 software.
Out of 172 health workers who Participated in the study, majority were females 51.2 % (88/172)
and 48.8%males (84/172), with most of them had at least attained certificate holders. With
majority working in Health centre IIIs 37.2% 64/172
The study showed that, majority still lacked adequate knowledge on infection prevention and
control guildlines 82.2 % (n=172), despite the fact that Half of the health workers had been
trained/mentored on IPC and 100% acknowledging that they wash their hands using water and
soap with few 12.2% using hand sanitizers.
There is still a great need to not only train the health workers but to also strengthen support
supervision of the IPC committees in all health facilities both in Government and private
facilities by the City medical health team to ensure that they do routine CMEs in their
respective health facilities. And all facilities in charges to prioritize IPC issues during
planning and budgeting in the next financial year 2022/2023.