Records organization and processing at the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development
The major objective of this study was to assess records organization and processing at the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development. The study further had three specific objective which included; finding out the records organization and processing practices at the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, finding out the benefits of proper records organization and processing and examining the challenges that come with the organization and processing of records.
This used a qualitative research design. The study population was comprised of male and female stuff of the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development in Kampala District. Two methods of data collection employed in this study, both the primary and the secondary data collection methods. Primary data was data collected for the first time from respondents familiar with the study and instruments to be used include interviews and observations method. On the other hand, secondary data will be also be collected by using documentary review, Text books and Journals.
The study results showed that; the ministry appointed a staff member at senior management level to whom they can delegate the responsibility of ensuring that sound records organization and processing practices are implemented and maintained. Furthermore, the respondents added that the records manager also develops and implements records management policies, which are endorsed by the heads of the ministry such as the ministry and permanent secretary. Study results further revealed that proper records organization and processing has quite a number of benefits and these included easy retrieval, access and disposal of records, ensure administrative governance, prevention and tracking of fraud and corruption, problem-solving and decision-making. Last but not least, the results of the study also showed that the main challenge that comes with the organization and processing of records is insufficient space for records storage. The study therefore recommends that the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development needs to appoint more records managers whose responsibilities will be compilation, implementation, maintenance and utilization of approved filing systems and the records filed according to these systems among other responsibilities.