Social support, subjective happiness and resilience among university students who identify as Muslims.
The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between social support, resilience and subjective happiness among students who identify as Muslims at Makerere University. The study targeted 100 respondents using the Krejcei and Morgan (1970) sample size table, 46 males and 54 females aged 19 – 40 years of age and used quantitative correlation study design which was adopted to assess the relationship between variables. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 100 respondents. Collected data crosschecked for completeness and analyzed using a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 22). Pearson Chi square test was used to test the hypothesis. Results showed that there is a significant relationship between perceived social support and subjective happiness; r = .355** and p = .001. Since the P value .001 < .05. Perceived social support and resilience are also significantly related; r = .484**and p = .000. Since the P value .000 < .05. And there is a significant relationship between subjective happiness and resilience r = .400** and p = .000. Since the P value .000 < .05. In conclusion, social support, resilience and subjective happiness are significantly related.