Assessment of the determinants and barriers to the implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation practices in crop farming communities of Kibaale district
Crop farming communities in Kibaale district have been vulnerable to the effects of the changing climate and variability. This has resulted into increased losses and damages to crops leading to low crop production hence increased food insecurity and poverty among farming households in the district. This is because most of the farmers (98%) are highly dependent on rain fall for the growth of their crops. Therefore the study aimed at assessing the determinants and barriers to the implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation practices in crop farming communities of Kibaale district. The specific objectives were to evaluate the existing ecosystem-based adaptation practices among crop farming households, to assess the socio-economic determinants and barriers to the uptake of ecosystem-based adaptation practices. The study employed qualitative methods of data collection. Simple random sampling was used to select samples from the population. Interview guides were used for key informants and questionnaires for households.100 households were randomly selected using the from the two parishes that is Kibaali and Nyamugura to participate in the study. The data collected from the households was analyzed using SPSS software and presented in form of descriptive statistics such as frequency tables and cross tabulation tables whereas the information from key informants, thematic analysis was done and narrations were made. The results of the study revealed that there were twenty-five EbA practices farmers practiced to avert crop failure in anticipation drought and flash rains in Kibaale district. Among the twenty-five EBA practices farmers were undertaking intercropping was ranked as the most practiced practice with 11% of the farmers undertaking it in time of drought anticipation and 21.8% of the farmers using it in anticipation of flash rains while irrigation farming was the least done practice by farmers with only 0.2% of farmers practicing it, followed by terracing with only 0.5% of the farmers implementing it. socio-economic factors that determined the uptake of EBA practices were gender of the household head, size of land and membership to the farmer groups whereby 81% of the male headed households practiced intercropping highly compared to female ones which had 19%, 70% male headed household practiced growing of tree crops while only 16% female headed households practiced that, 29% of the farmers who had land greater than ten acres highly practiced diversity of the practices such as crop diversification, crop rotation and intercropping among others. However, other factors were level of education and membership to farmer groups whereby 68% of the respondents did not belong to any farmer group whereas 32% of the farmers belonged to farmer groups. 24.6% of the farmers were limited from undertaking ecosystem-based adaptation practices due to limited awareness about the practices, 24.9% of the farmers were limited due to expensiveness of some techniques, unavailability of materials and equipment affected 14.4% of the respondents while 25.5% of the farmers argued that some adaptation practices do not work for them due to different reasons they gave. In order to have climate resilient farming communities, there is need for to promote irrigation farming to reduce on relying on rain fall by farmers while growing their crops, there is need for regular training and sensitization of farmers on better adaptation practices at all levels and there is also need for provision of incentives to farmers by the government such inputs like improved seed varieties, loans at low interest rate and organic fertilizers among others.