Contribution of livelihood programs on wives of soldiers: a case study of ROWOSA
This research work is a study on the contribution of livelihood programs on the lives of wives of
soldiers. The research design adopted was the survey method using questionnaire with beneficiaries
randomly selected from the population of the barracks making a total sample of 50 respondents
who were issued self-administered questionnaires by the researcher. Data collected was analyzed
using inferential statistics, frequency table and percentages. The study found out that ROWOSA
mainly has four skilling programs in Katabi Airforce barracks and they include ICT, tailoring,
hairdressing and bakery and the women revealed that they have to a greater extent improved
their livelihoods through those programs through getting marketable vocational skills, receiving
entrepreneurship skills among others. The study recommends that funders should train women
on resilient and management skills so as to be able to apply the skills they acquire and the
association should provide the trainees with startup capital for venturing into different fields they
trained for.