Assessment of factors influencing participation in domestic tourism at the source of the Nile, Jinja-Uganda
Domestic tourism has for a long time proved to be a cornerstone to both global and regional economic growth and development and has greatly impacted on Uganda’s GDP and economic development, however, despite the continued efforts to increase its competitiveness and demand, a decline in performance and receipts is still being registered. This study was conducted to contribute to the understanding of the factors that influence participation in domestic tourism for enhanced tourism planning and increased demand for domestic tourism. The objectives of the study were to assess the factors that influence participation in domestic tourism, to determine the strategies to promote domestic tourism and to investigate challenges facing domestic tourism marketing and promotion. The study used a cross sectional survey design and used questionnaires and Key Informant Interviews to carry out in-depth interviews on a total of 81 respondents including tourists, tour operators, site staff and mangers. A descriptive and cross tabulation analysis was done using a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 24 to analyse both quantitative and qualitative data. The study established that the level of household income (21%), education level (12%), gender (7%), culture (11%), distance (16%) and location (18%) of the destination, activities (15%), level of infrastructure development (15%), weather (16%)and security (12%) among others, influence participation in domestic tourism. It also established that strategic marketing approaches like infrastructure improvement (22%), improved safety and security (21%), reduced entry and activity fees (24%), reduced taxes (24%), awareness through campaigns (27%) do promote domestic tourism. Noted from the study also, high cost of tourism (11%), under developed tourism products (10%), under developed infrastructure (10%), lack of funding (9%), sabotage and corruption (7%) and high taxes (7%) hinder participation in domestic tourism. The study recommends that the government of Uganda and tourism stakeholders ensure growth and development of domestic tourism through sustainable and deliberate strategies and policies at all levels through partnerships, innovation, training and capacity building, accountability and sensitization, considering inclusivity in general planning and pricing in order to attract more domestic tourists in several local tourism sites. There is a need to have affordable rates both on entry and activities, reduce operational taxes as all these have been identified challenges to domestic tourism participation and growth.