The plight of trafficked children
The United Nations Children Rights Convention (UNCRC) clearly stipulates the rights of
children. It protects the rights of children and gives them rights lights like; right to freedom,
survival, development, life etc. but the act of child trafficking has completely.
Child trafficking in Kampala has deprived the children of their fundamental human rights. The
different forms and avenues for child trafficking around Kampala have sustained this inhuman
act in Uganda. The act has developed under the watch of some local authorities in the areas it is
being done in. regardless of some of the existing las and policies, child trafficking in Uganda
especially in Kampala continue to thrive.
While conducting the study, the research was basically to find out the plight of trafficked in
Kampala city, assess the factors responsible and the nature of trafficking in Kampala city.
A case study design was used to conduct the study as my research design and used only key
informants as my study population these were care takers of the trafficked children and also
journalists that have done research on child trafficking.
The findings of this study indicated that the care takers and other key informants new about the
act and existence of child trafficking in Kampala city and the different forms in which its done.
And regardless of their goal of ending child trafficking, lots of loop holes still existed which
gave the traffickers gap to continue trafficking these young children.