Personality traits, domestic violence and coping strategies among women in Katanga
The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between personality traits, domestic violence and coping strategies among women in Katanga. The study was guided by the following research objectives; to examine the relationship between personality traits and domestic violence, to examine the relationship between domestic violence and to establish then relationship between personality traits and coping strategies. The study employed quantitative approach, correlation study and used simple random sampling strategy was used to select 105 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires and was analyzed by SSPS (Pearson correlation) and descriptive statistics such as frequency tables were used to present the results. The results revealed that personality traits and domestic violence are related (P=0.000**< 0.05), Personality traits and coping strategies are related (P=0.000**< 0.05), Domestic Violence and Coping Strategies are inversely related (P=0.000**< 0.05) and that personality traits related with coping strategies (P=0.000**< 0.05). Recommendations: This study recommends that government and non-governmental organizations should set up counseling centers for people to be trained before and after marriage on how best they can resolve marriage challenges just in case they arise; changing those cultural norms, attitude and legal provisions that promote the acceptance of and even encourage violence against women and training of intending and married couples should be taught on the causes of domestic violence and coping strategies that they can use to overcome the challenges.