Effect of preparation methods on cyanide concentration of selected cassava varieties grown in Uganda at Namulonge.
The potential of three preparation methods to reduce cyanide content in three selected cassava varieties ( Mkumba, Nase3 and Nase14) was investigated. All the three varieties were quatified for cyanide concentration at fresh level and then after exposure to the preparation methods (boiling, steaming and frying). Fresh samples of Nase3 had cyanide concentration of 24.57mg/kg, Nase14 with 23.95mg/g and then Nase3 with 18.75mg/kg.
After exposure to the different preparation methods, there was a reduction in the cyanide content of all the three cassava varieties under study. On frying, Nase3 showed 24.57% cyanide reduction, Mkumba with 28.53% and Nase14 with 1.96%. When the varieties were exposed to steaming, Nase3 showed the biggest reduction with 62.26%, followed by Mkumba with 49.48% and then Nase14 with 30.41% reduction. On boiling the samples in water, Nase3 had the most cyanide reduction with 74.86%, followed by Mkumba with 66.49% and then Nase14 with 49.48%. The results from the study were analysed using R statistical package to determine the mean difference. This study revealed that boiling in water is the best method for preparation the cassava varieties that were selected as it showed highest percentage of cyanide reduction.