Quantification of selected cancer quenching metabolites in flavonoid rich foods commonly consumed in Uganda
In May – August 2022, a study was conducted to quantify selected cancer quenching
metabolites in flavonoid rich foods commonly consumed in Uganda. To achieve this aim,
flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols and TAC were extracted from turmeric, ginger and red
pepper and these were quantified using standard techniques. Extraction efficiency of
extraction solvents water and ethanol at different conditions was also compared through the
quantification of the metabolites.
The total polyphenols of the spices in the fresh matter basis ranged from 10407.93mg/kg to
13940.89mg/kg, total flavonoid contents ranged from 20713.89mg/kg to 139380.6mg/kg, total
tannins ranged from 2641.27mg/kg to 6252.38mg/kg and the total antioxidant capacity of the
spices ranged from 65.04mM to 156.84mM.
The TPC, TFC, TTC and TAC decreased with increasing water content in the extraction
solvents and ethanol proved to be a better extraction solvent than water.
It was concluded that these spices could serve as cancer curative alternatives against freeradical associated oxidative damage because the main antioxidant components and their total
contents were directly proportional to their antioxidant capacity.
It was recommended that the Ugandan agricultural sector should put more emphasis on crops
that can be of great medicinal use especially such that provide cheaper curative measures.