Perceived organizational support and employees’ turnover intentions in primary school teachers
The study aimed at examining the relationship between perceived organizational support and turnover intention among primary school teachers. The study adopted a correlational research design. Simple random sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 93 respondents from a population of 210 teachers. Data was collected from respondents using self-administered standard questionnaire and through using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) data was entered and analyzed. Results indicates that perceived organizational support and turnover intentions are high among respondents and therefore the two are not significantly related. This study shows that employees can still leave their work for a better environment when they are promised a better pay. Thus, management should devise policies, procedures and plans which may encourage and motivate employees to bring a sense of honor and ownership inside the organization and become an important and precious asset for the organization. Additionally, to increase perceived organizational support, managers and supervisors should listen to employee’s feedback as this may in turn reduce of employee turnover intentions.