An IOT-based smart water meter and water quality monitoring system
NWSC is the main Public Water Utility Company in Uganda serving over 15 million
customers. From the services it provides, it receives a number of complaints that mainly
fall under water quality and water consumption in form of high-water bills. As a result,
NWSC facilitates its staff in terms of accommodation and transport to carry out physical
billing and investigate reported water quality complaints.
Therefore the objective of this project is to develop an IoT based smart water meter and
monitoring system that measures water consumption and monitors water quality in real
time by measuring water turbidity and pH and assessing the measured values against
thresholds and when measured values are above set thresholds, a notification is sent to
both the user and NWSC informing them of poor water quality. The meter also studies
the client’s usage habits and establishes a pattern and when their consumption goes higher
than their average, it notifies them. Both the water quality and consumption values are
uploaded to a thingspeak server where they are stored and analysed for easy understanding
of the user hence this water meter is targeted for the urban consumer who has regular
internet connectivity.
The water meter is divided into two separate systems, the water quality system and the
water consumption system that communicate with each other hence these two systems
can be placed at different suitable locations in one’s home.