Design and implementation of an environmental monitoring station: a web of things approach
The sensor nodes can communicate wirelessly through a communication link and
forward their data to a base station or coordinator node by communicating with
a gateway, this has been made possible through the use of wireless sensor networks(
WSNs) [1]. WSNs are used to monitor different environmental variables
like air, temperature, soil moisture, pressure among others. With web of things
which describes concepts where everything is integrated on the web, there is interconnection
of different devices irrespective of their protocols and functionality.
With the design of web resource strategy, the data collected can be displayed to the
web browser in real time as long as the connection is maintained and a copy of the
data is stored on local storage or cloud in case the connection is lost. The analysis
is performed there and then with comparison with data from other sources. If the
displayed values go above threshold or below, a notification alert is sent through
email to the subscribed users and the control system is initialized to stabilize the
values. It also leads to faster transmissions of data and hence potential savings in
terms of battery power required to communicate.