Experiences of male survivors of gender-based violence in Abim Sub-county, Abim District
The study examined the experiences of male survivors of gender-based violence in Abim Sub County, Abim district. The study identified the forms of gender-based violence against men, various factors associated with GBV against men, the extent and limitations of reporting cases of gender-based violence by men and the coping mechanisms the male survivors deploy in Abim district. The study adopted a qualitative exploratory research design. Data was collected using interview guides from the primary participants and the key informants. The study found that sexual violence, physical violence and psychological violence were the major forms of violence experienced by men. The study also found that women were the main perpetuators of gender-based violence against men though other perpetrators such as elderly children though the influence of their mother and family members. Additionally, it was revealed that socio-cultural beliefs and practices, alcoholism, poverty, income inequalities and power inequalities among women and men were associated with GBV against men. Furthermore, the study found that the level of reporting of GBV cases against men by men were very low because men felt ashamed reporting such GBV cases. Men tend to ignore and move on because of fear of being ashamed since community perceived them as superior to women and this was their major coping mechanism. The study recommend that government should design and pass and evaluate laws and acts that protects men against GBV so that they could be encouraged to report cases that affects them. The law should be geared towards addressing cultural beliefs and practices and giving equal punishment to the perpetrators regardless of whether one is a man or a woman.