Ambiguity in the use of proverbs: a case study of selected Luganda proverbs.
This dissertation aims at establishing different ambiguous aspects in Luganda proverbs and assessing the role of ambiguity of the proverb to the interpretation and contextual use of the proverbs. It shall be noted that proverbs are not created by the folk but rather by an individual. Someone at some time and somewhere couches a general observation, behaviour, or experience into a short complete sentence that subsequently is picked up by others who might well change the wording slightly resulting in a number of variants until a standard formulation result. It shall be noted that proverbs are a part of a wider oral literature of a society which include oral narratives like: myths, legends, folktales and fables; short formulaic forms like: proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, and similes; poetic forms like: epics, lullabies, children’s rhymes, recitations, popular poetry, festive songs, popular songs and several other forms. Language can lead to many ambiguous utterances. A mere word or a phrase may, in its relationship to other words or phrases, force a reader or listener to attempt to construe its meaning in more than one way. The study also notes the key roles of ambiguity in the language as per selected Luganda proverbs as cultural differentiation.