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dc.contributor.authorNanziri, Faith Majorine
dc.identifier.citationNanziri, F. M. (2023). A synthesis of personification in folktales: a case study of selected Luganda folktales.(Unpublished Undergraduate Dissertation). Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the College of Education and External Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Education of Makerere University.en_US
dc.description.abstractA synthesis of personification in folktales: a case study of the selected Luganda folktales” aimed at establishing how personification in portrayed and its function as used in the story. The folktales have a lesson they teach at the end which helps in shaping the people that listen to them as they borrow a leaf from such stories. The study was guided by two objectives and implied research questions namely: To analyze the importance of personification as a literally stylistic device in the selected Luganda. To identify and examine the types of personification that occur in the selected Luganda folktales. The research sought to answer the following research questions: How relevant is personification in the bringing out the meaning entailed in selected Luganda folktales?; What kinds of personification occur selected Luganda folktales? Analyze how personifications employed in the selected Luganda folktales? The research explored the Buganda society within the different localities involving interviews and interactions. The folktales have a lesson they teach at the end which helps in shaping the people that listen to them as they borrow a leaf from such stories. The research explored the Buganda society within the different localities involving interviews and interactions.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectLuganda Folktalesen_US
dc.titleA synthesis of personification in folktales: a case study of selected Luganda folktales.en_US

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