Plants used for Malaria treatment in Bundibugyo District
This study was conducted to assess diversity of plants used for malaria treatment and document their existing indigenous knowledge in the villages of Humya, Pikifeya and Kisubba in Bundibugyo district. Data was collected using key informant interviews and questionaries with both open ended and close ended questions. The respondents were well versed with malaria treatment using either herbal medicine or traditional medicine or both and took stringent measures to guard against malaria spread. Majority preferred modern medicine because of its efficacy and well documented prescription. Secondary others were skeptic whether traditional medicine works or not. The study was able to document 36 plant species used in the treatment of malaria. The most commonly used plants were Azadirachta indica, Vernonia amygdalina, Bidens Pilosa and Aloe vera (L) Burm f.