Perceived contributions of non-government organizations towards addressing teenage pregnancy in Jinja district
I conducted a study on the “perceived contributions of non-government organizations towards addressing teenage pregnancy in jinja district”. The overall objective of the study was to describe the perceived contributions of non-government organizations towards addressing teenage pregnancy in jinja district. The specific objectives of the study were, to establish the strategies used by ngos in addressing teenage pregnancy in jinja district, to establish the perceptions of different stakeholders (parents, leaders, teachers) about the contribution of ngos in addressing teenage pregnancy in jinja district, to identify the challenges faced by ngos while addressing teenage pregnancy in jinja and to suggest how the challenges faced by ngos can be minimized. A descriptive design to generate extensive knowledge about the study topic was employed in this research because the study mainly answered the questions of why and how. Data was collected through in-depth and key informants’ interviews. The data analysis method used was thematic analysis. The study findings revealed that ngos in jinja district mainly use three strategies while addressing teenage pregnancies, namely; community mobilization, communication and policy intervention. The study findings showed that parents and teenage girls appreciated the tremendous role performed by ngos in addressing teenage pregnancies. However, in terms of accessibility, it was found out that most parents believed that these non-government organizations are very hard to find, they are mainly centred in urban areas. This means that they are not in position to influence teenage pregnancies in most of the far areas of jinja district. In terms of inclusion, it was established that most ngos had an open policy when it comes to the provision of their services. They are very open to even the minority of individuals in society like people with disabilities and those with mental disorders. This has created a very equitable stand against teenage pregnancies. It was also concluded that corruption and cultural resistance were the major challenges faced by ngos and appealing for community participation was the major remedy to these challenges. The key recommendations from the study were; the government should strengthen and decentralize the anti-corruption unit, ngos should utilize the public figures and icons to strongly detest these wrong cultural norms such as religious leaders, artists, cultural leaders and political leaders. This is because many people listen and follow them and the government should prepare a good climate for ngos to operate well.